
Member Signup

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Select Your Payment Cycle
Select Your Payment Cycle
Select Your Payment Cycle
Select Your Payment Cycle
Please Signup
    Strength: Very Weak
    Friends & Family
    Do you know Gel in real life?
    Select Your Payment Gateway
    How you want to pay?
    Enter Coupon Code
    Payment Summary

    Your currently selected plan : , Plan Amount :
    Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount:

    *FRIENDS & FAMILY: The Friends & Family plan is intended for Gel to personally give special access to people close to her in her everyday life who may not otherwise have access to a membership plan. Once your account is verified Gel will issue you a "coupon code" for 100% Off, which you then use to upgrade your plan to the Love Supporter plan for free.

    Please do not try to beat the system by selecting this plan if you do not think Gel will give you a code, the Friends & Family plan has "NO BENEFITS" and needs the code to be upgraded to a useful membership plan. Instead choose the "Free Plan" which offers perks for free.