1st Annual ``Mountain Angel Diaries`` Easter Egg Hunt
After our huge success with the school supplies for kids at Christmas time we would like to ask for your help in another fun project for the children in the province. We want to do a traditional American style 'Easter Egg Hunt' for the kids and fill the plastic eggs with candy and prizes.
An event like this just doesn't usually happen in the provinces of the Philippine's and although many traditions are the same, celebrations are much different mainly because of the lack of funding for such events.
This year with the help of our community, we would like to try to change that by hosting an ``Eggs-tra Special Easter Egg Hunt`` for the local kids. Our main goal is to be able to provide several hundred colorful plastic eggs that will be filled with small candies and treats, I know it sounds like alot but with our school supplies fundraiser we were able to help 100 kids and that was just in Gels school. This would be open to young and older kids `{`different sections to keep it fair`}` so it wouldn't be much fun if everyone could only find one egg.
In the event there are funds left over it would be nice to be able to have some activities and provide small snacks and drinks so the children could make an entire fun filled day out of the event.
Thank You For Your Support,