Help Repair My School - Giving Back To My Alma Mater
As many of you already know gel loves to give back to her community and pay it forward as well as to share her blessings with others. She recently held an 'Easter Egg Hunt' for the kids in her community and filled the plastic eggs with candy and prizes.
This current project is much more serious though as it involves the safety and education of her peers and fellow students. Gel's previous elementary school has two classrooms that the walls are in disrepair and in danger of collapse due to rot and termite damage. This means the complete second and fourth grade class that use those rooms have nowhere to have class until the structure can be secured and fixed.
In the west I think we take such repairs and maintenance for granted as they come from our taxes and the schools annual budget, however, that's not how it works in Gels province. The budgets are limited and they just do what they have to do to get bye.
With the help of our community, we would like to try to raise the necessary finds in order to fix the classrooms and get the kids back to a safe and comfortable learning environment.. Our main goal is to be able to provide the entire budget for the repairs for this project. The school is also doing small fundraisers and raffles to try to raise money anyway they can as well.
I know it sounds like alot but with our school supplies fundraiser we were able to help 100 kids and that was just in Gels school. With our Eater Egg Hunt fundraiser we were able to supply all the kids in the province with a day of fun they have never experienced before. So as a community we are quite a powerful group who can really make a difference.
All the donations from this fundraiser will go directly to the school for the repairs necessary in the classrooms. In the event that we raise more than the required funds needed they additional funds will also go to the school to setup and emergency budget for the future.
I would like to personally thank everyone for donating and will be excited to share the videos and updates of the project with everyone.
Thank You For Your Support,